Monday, March 29, 2010

Perasaan yg bercampur baur..
Tak tau kenapa..
Hati ini sgt kuat dicengkam kebenciaan..
Satu perasaan yg sgt sukar nk dipadamkan..
Walau berkali aku mencuba utk melupakan semua itu..
Namun, aku tewas dlm amukan perasaan sendiri...
Mungkin aku perlu lupakan semuanya, kerana yg berlaku seharusnya dibiarkan berlalu...

Ya Allah...bantulah hamba Mu yg lemah lg tak berdaya ini..
Ya Allah, aku tak mampu nak menanggung kebenciaan yg kian menghimpit saban hari ku...
Ya Allah...Berikan aku kekuatn..tukarkanlah kebenciaan ini menjadi satu kekuatan,
menjadi satu iktibar dan pedoman utk ku.....................

Kemudian terbaca satu artikel ni...sgt2 suka dgn the last point :)

Anger can be quelled by mixing six kinds of knowledge and action:

  1. Remember what the Qur'an and Hadith say about controlling one's anger. The hope for obtaining rewards will restrain one from taking revenge.
  2. Fear Allah's punishment and consider it greater than any human punishment.
  3. Realize that there will be consequences to expressing your anger. You may get revenge on your enemy here, but he or she might get revenge on you later on, either here or in the next world.
  4. Remember that an angry person looks like a ferocious beast, while one who appeases his or her anger looks like a sober and learned person.
  5. Ignore Satan, who tells you that you will be weak if you do not become angry.
  6. Ask yourself: "Why should I be angry? What Allah has willed has happened."
From :

(teringat kata2 seseorg tu, from what dia experience, bila perasaan benci membuak2, wudhuk dan solat lah jawapan it there and then...i'm supposed to do it..not to write it..ish ish ish..)

XOXO, Me, hating this hatred~


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