Arini..saya shift pg..keja arini best..
Satu ward ada 8HO..3 org gi OT n clinic. Tinggal 5org masa morning round..
And td i kena ikut round sampai ke B3..
Layan je la...
Keja la rasa tenang dlm settle kn smua keja tu..
So masa nk balik ward D3 smula,
Sorg MO (from my previous posting) dtg review pt yg di-refer pdnya...
Banyak nasihat yg saya dpt kutip dpd cerita2 nya..sgt2 berguna utk panduan di masa hadapan...
Ni satu daripadanya...
1- pt ni persistently hving high bp 170-160/ 100-90 with persistent hypokalaemia...what comes to ur mind..?
i pn mcm, medical knowledge mcm dh jauh tertimbus je ni..susah nye nk jwb..
Dia senyum je..n bgtau..
"u should think of Conns kalau conns,u kena la investigate to confirm the diagnosis..slain tu..kena pikir nape dia asyik je hypoK..
At least do sumting to investigate..Pt ada poor oral intake ke.?seere vomiting ke..?asyik diarrhoea ke..?or ada renal tubular acidosis ke ?how does the K+ is lost..? wat 24-H urine potassium least we do sumthing bfore referring the case..kan..? "
> maka my conclusions are:
1- Jangan refer case just because it IS NOT ur specialty..after all..we r all doctors..we r trained in all departments so that we can treat the pt as a whole..not to treat pt according to our department only..
2- try to find the cause why pt having that symptoms/signs.. Everything happens for a,for the pt's sake, try la workout why she develops those things..
and do our best to treat them...
so that xde la pt asyik kena admit sbb the same chief complaint..
Baik..saya akan mula menjadi doctor yg lebih baik selepas ini..
Satu ward ada 8HO..3 org gi OT n clinic. Tinggal 5org masa morning round..
And td i kena ikut round sampai ke B3..
Layan je la...
Keja la rasa tenang dlm settle kn smua keja tu..
So masa nk balik ward D3 smula,
Sorg MO (from my previous posting) dtg review pt yg di-refer pdnya...
Banyak nasihat yg saya dpt kutip dpd cerita2 nya..sgt2 berguna utk panduan di masa hadapan...
Ni satu daripadanya...
1- pt ni persistently hving high bp 170-160/ 100-90 with persistent hypokalaemia...what comes to ur mind..?
i pn mcm, medical knowledge mcm dh jauh tertimbus je ni..susah nye nk jwb..
Dia senyum je..n bgtau..
"u should think of Conns kalau conns,u kena la investigate to confirm the diagnosis..slain tu..kena pikir nape dia asyik je hypoK..
At least do sumting to investigate..Pt ada poor oral intake ke.?seere vomiting ke..?asyik diarrhoea ke..?or ada renal tubular acidosis ke ?how does the K+ is lost..? wat 24-H urine potassium least we do sumthing bfore referring the case..kan..? "
> maka my conclusions are:
1- Jangan refer case just because it IS NOT ur specialty..after all..we r all doctors..we r trained in all departments so that we can treat the pt as a whole..not to treat pt according to our department only..
2- try to find the cause why pt having that symptoms/signs.. Everything happens for a,for the pt's sake, try la workout why she develops those things..
and do our best to treat them...
so that xde la pt asyik kena admit sbb the same chief complaint..
Baik..saya akan mula menjadi doctor yg lebih baik selepas ini..
posted from Bloggeroid
Salam sis. Sory sibuk komen sini. U look so happy being a HO kan?? =)) sy tgh nervous .. Next week br induction.
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