This is a true story...
A story of a girl...a twisted kind of story....and not-a-fairytale story...
Once upon a time, in a far, far away land, lives a girl named Apple...
she has this one good friend named grapes...
apple and grapes have been friends for years...
at one time, grapes was totally madly in-monkey-love with this one school boy...
apple supported grapes soooo much, encouraging grapes to try her best to achieve whatever that she wanted.
apple would be the one cheering grapes, when grapes cried and cried and cried, as the boy rejected her monkey-love...
apple did say to grapes, "it is his lost...he is such a fool to reject such a wonderful girl like u...."
apple continued to make grapes happy, to make grapes forget the boy and move on with life....
apple tried all that she can...
and grapes seemed to be better with each passing day....
at one time, as apple trusted grapes, apple told grapes almost everything about herself....
apple told grapes everything, the boy with whom she has crush, the boy that she hated the most....
but what did grapes do...?
she just responded negatively to apple...
"ala...takkan la dia suka kamu..."
"ala...tak payah la buang masa suka pd budak tu..."
"ala...tak mungkin la dia tu nak pandang pun pd awak..."
grapes did not even supported apple...not even once...
and at that time, apple felt that grapes was trying to make apple focused on her study. SPM..ambitions..
not to fall for any guy...
bcoz apple thought, grapes didnt want apple to feel hurt as what grapes has felt... .
both of them, apple and grapes do want to be doctors....
they have been having this same ambition since they were in primary school....
and a few months before SPM, grapes and her family moved to another state...
and there was only apple alone, there....
but apple tried her best..
and currently pursuing her ambition...
apple and grapes still contact once in a while...
with the help of technology,,handphone....internet...Facebook...YM...
and until nowaday, they still keep in touch....
at one time, apple found out about something really inappropriate of which grapes tried to do...
grapes said that, it is in the name of love...
apple did forbid grapes to do it...
and at that time, grapes and her BF had a very big fight becoz of what apple told grapes...
but apple said to grapes, "if he really wants you that much, he will wait for u.....not by doing this..."
and apple was right..
the guy waited and waited for grapes...up till now...
and recently, apple contacted grapes...
grapes has finished her degree,in agriculture..and wanting to continue with master...
and, as what apple used to do, she did confide to grapes....
apple told grapes about everything...
once again, a fool of tell everything to grapes...
apple wanted grapes to give her opinion...
of the matter of her life..
of the matter of her heart..
but once again, the same negative answers were all that grapes told apple...
"oh, kalau doctor, bila dah keluar, mesti la dah ramai yg menunngu...dah beratur girls nak kan why should that guy wait for u...why would he choose u over those other girls........"
"pikirla...awak tu perempuan...dia tu lelaki...kalau lelaki, makin tua, makin ramai yg suka...lagi lak doctor...tapi awak.............................."
and apple felt that,how could grapes told her that...
yes, reality and the truth, sometimes are that cruel...
but, how could a friend told another friend sumting as bitter as that...?
And this is how the story ends...
Apple is still there...
Grapes has succeeded to make apple feel that love will never ever be hers...
here, apple is drowning in her own tears, while grapes happily watch from outside...
(kisah ini cuma kisah buah2an...haha)
x sgka khidupan buah2an lbeh complicated drp mnusia ye...hehe
tp kjam sguh grapes yg rse nk ggit2 & mkn buah anggur byk2! >;D
beware, grapes tu masam tau us...uhu..
tragis kan idup buah2an ni...huhu...
sungguh sedih kisah ini..
sampai hati grape tu mensia2kan kwn sebaik apple.. ialah kisah buah2an ye kawan2..hehe
btw, jetul, grapes ada hati ke...?mungkin sbb itu dia agak kejam...dia xde hati :P
tak suke grape! jahat!
apple should not listen to grapes..they have nothing in common..try be friend with pineapple instead..
..who live in a pineapple under the sea??..
owwh.. what a bummer:(
let's make the ending much more interesting..
the Apple did busted into tears but not anymore as she gain back her spirit from a better friend; "Dates",..encouraging Apple to try her best to achieve whatever that she wanted which is to be a doctor!! Apple knew that her big Happy apple Family always got her back n always there by her side~
All of her family n the Dates's supports encourage Apple to face her fears n not to worry about some small problems bcoz there r many sweet things in life than the bitterness of grapes,..hihihihi~
meanwhile Grapes lives her life with guilt for breaking the seeds of friendship between her n Apple,.
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