Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pelik la...Memang pelik~

Td pg i hv the chance to clerk an aborigin ( org asli dlm kata yg lebih sopan), 21 years old, primigravida....her chief complaint, preterm labour....
But, what's interesting about our 'conversation' this morning was when it comes to Family History....
This girl told me, mak dia lahirkan kesemua 12 adik-beradik dia kat umah, disambut oleh ayah nye (wah,hebat sungguh pakcik tu, bole cnduct delivery more than medical students hv to conduct in O&G posting....)

Tp, that's not the story yg wat kita's about what the OA do to the placenta......

She said, " ada yg tanam uri tu, tp kebanyakan nye akan gantung uri tu kat luar rumah..."

I said,in cool tone, " Gantung? Gantung kat luar rumah....?" (though i was already shock at that time sbb uri tu kan ada bau yg pelik, ditambah dgn keadaan nye yg berdarah2 tu....xkan la nak wat 'perhiasan' kat depan umah...)

She anwered, "Mmg gantung kt luar umah...kat bawah pokok ke...kat mana2 la....janji uri tu digantung sblm matahari terbenam..."

I ask her again, "Knp kena gantung sebelum matahari tbenam..?"

She said, " kalau tak, ia akan makan nyawa ibu yg mengandung tu..." ( she means, the mother who hs just giv birth tu...)

I was quite terperanjat gak la dgr penjelasan dia...mcm mana lak uri tu nak makan nyawa mak tu..?
So, wanting to know more, i asked her further, " Pernah jadi ke? mak tu meninggal ke disebabkan uri tu..?"
Terasa mcm crita seram lak...takut gak la...

She said, " Adalah..dulu2....mula2 mak tu akan sakit dlam perut...lepas tu, lama kalu xdiubati, uri itu akan mkan la nyawa ibu itu...."

Huhuhuhuhuhuhu ~

I tried to reason out why do they hv such practise...Mungkin:

1. Diaorg gantung uri tu kat luar rumah- easy for them to see if the placenta is complete or not...bole tgk the chorion and amnion layers, & the cotyledons....any infarcted area or not.... kat luar umah kan lebih terang compared to dalam umah ( as u all know,they all live in very small houses but sooo many people inside one house) so, kt luar mst la lg senang nk wat inspction of the ensure no retained placenta in the uterus..........

2. Diaorg gantung sebelum matahari tbenam- for the same reason, mtahari provides the light for them, especially in very rural area where they dont hv,kalu check the placenta waktu malam, u may hv missed anything...maybe the membranes are ragged but u couldnt see them, there is risk of complications to develop post-partumly...

3. Diaorg percaya if tak gantung uri tu sblum matahari terbenam,mula2 ibu tu akan sakit dlm perut...lepas tu, lama2 kalu xdiubati, uri itu akan memakan nyawa ibu itu- where the complication arises as the retained parts of the placenta cn cause PPH, and as we all know, PPH is the number 1 cause of maternal death in Malaysia.....

Kalaulah kita semua dpt bg kesedaran pd mereka..
"bukan uri tu memakan nyawa ibu..tetapi, disebabkan ada lg bahagian uri tu yg tertnggal,ia akan mnyebabkan pendarahan slpas bersalin... yg mungkin membawa maut..."

They should be told that if not managed/treated properly ( stop the bleeding, resuscitation, transfussion etc),it will cause death.....they should not go to see bomoh or pawang coz they'll only jampi...nothing much for the woman if she is only treated with jampi....

Memang nampak pelik..Tp,itulah kehidupan....kita semua berbeza....

That's just my opinion....
What do u think....

XOXO, Me, differently...



wada,rajinnye wada rationalize their actions..hihi
tp OA mmg sgt kental la in giving birth..slalunye takyah jahit pn kn?

Wada Adam

hehe :) kita dah boring time that's why la kita try to 'ratonalize' kn apa yg diaorg wat...hehe :) tp mmg OA sgt tabah la..ada sorg pt kita tu, umurnye dh 46yrs old tp now G16,P15 @ 36wks POG..huhuhuhu..kita dgr pn gerun~


wah!! daysatnye cite ni!! kalau gantung byk2 placenta tu kat umah.. p astu biar je ke.. nnt msti berulat n bucuk.. NoooOO!~.. yek2... mane tak 'memanggil' syaitan2 yg suke akan bnda2 kotor sebegitu.. isk2..

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